Hobbit Effect (2018)
← back to Unity 3D
Mass Effect and Witcher meets Star Wars and LOTR!
Massive shooter. You”re on a spaceship. 2 guns. One for people, one for zombies. 2 worlds – parallel realities, positive and negative, one with soldiers and one with zombies. Watch out! You are in both of them in the same time but you can see just one at a time. You have a magic ring to enter the second reality. The goal is to walk through the level (we are the only one who knows where the end is!!! buhahaha) and wait until the time goes to 0.
Made for Warsaw Film School Game Jam IV , theme was ‘negative’. In less than 36 hours!
Controls below
Download “Hobbit Effect”
hobbit-effect-v5-jam.zip – Downloaded 469 times – 122.00 MB
WSAD – walking
1 – first weapon, for people
2 – second weapon, for zombies
right mouse click – switch between realities
left click – shoot
Incorrect gun will cause in no damage to enemies.
Good luck, soldier!
A few things which we didn’t made by ourselves are font, shoot sound, muzzle flash texture, and all rigging and human animations made using mixamo.
Made by:
Arputikos – programming, UI, VFX (change reality effect, muzzle flash, sparks, blood, etc.)
Hobbit Of Hobbiton – programming, level design and music (www.hobbitofhobbiton.itch.io/)
Dreamy – all graphics (character and environment 3d models, texturing, etc.) (www.artstation.com/dreamydesigner)